I think that this picture is an appropriate representation of how we all view hard decisions. So, please enjoy and buckle up! I am about to drop some realized truth.
I will be the first to admit that I am one of the WORST at saying yes to everything. If I don't, I tend to feel guilty. I feel like I am letting other people down because they were "counting on me". But I have realized that that is not always the case. People like me just tend to feel that way.
To inform you guys, I have been sick recently with a long and hard recovery. This is mainly because I HAVE to let my body rest. But, I also am super involved. I have a habit of putting more on my plate than I should and run my body down.
And you know what? It hasn't been fun. I am forced to be still and rest. But at the same time, I am incredibly thankful for these couple of months of rest. It has forced me to take a step back and analyze what I should pursue and what I need to let go and to say no.
As a Christian, I think I feel obligated to say yes to as many things as I possibly can and to serve everywhere and everyone. But the reality is that that's not my calling. That's not exactly what I was made for.
"But Ans-- aren't we called to serve and love others?"
Well, yes. But not in every capacity.
You see, we are all uniquely made. We each have gifts, passions, and callings individually specified for each of us. If we say "yes" to everything, we are are a disadvantage to everyone because we are not leaning into the gifts we have been given and reaching our full potential.
Let me attempt to explain this in an example.
If someone were to ask me to bake something homemade for a bake sale, they would be at a terrible disadvantage. I mean, awful. I haven't practiced and they may be edible, but probably not the best. However, Susie may be a very gifted baker. That may be a way she likes to serve and love on others. But if I said yes, she may not have been asked to do this for the bake sale. And that would be sad because I think we all would prefer Susie's baking over mine. Additionally, me saying yes would take some of my attention and focus off of things that I am good at. Meanwhile, Susie doesn't get to lean into her's.
And if that's not enough, it was brought to my attention that a writer by the name of Henry Cloud (he wrote a book called Boundaries-- I have not read it, but have heard good things) has brought up the idea that when we say "no" to something, we are saying "yes" to something else. For me, when I have to say "no" to church because I am sick, I am saying "yes" to resting at home with God and getting healthy.
Mic drop. Let that sink in.
My discipler gave me that analogy. I am very thankful for her.
What I am getting at is there are things that I am called to do, and some that I am not. Yet, both opportunities are going to arise. Instead of saying "yes" to everything, I need to take a step back, and ask if I am going to say yes to make this person happy? Or am I saying yes because this is a good use of my gifts and it is something I was made to pursue? And if I am saying "no", what in turn am I saying "yes" to?
I told you guys that this blog post was going to have a lot of truth. Did I fulfill that claim?
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I love you all!
Xx, Ansley B