As I have said before and I will say again, I have known for a very long time that there was a plan for me well beyond what I could ever imagine. This is still true to this day. I have NO idea where He is going to take me. However, He is slowly letting me in on what's before me.
I have a servant's heart. I got it from my momma, who got it from her momma. My heart breaks when I see someone else's struggles. I feel for people because I have been in pain. I don't want them to have to feel the way I have felt before. I feel called to give to so many causes as well.
For example, the college ministry I am apart of at the University of Georgia didn't get a big enough grant to expand their buildings to be able to hold all the FRESHMAN they have coming to their services. FRESHMAN. That's huge! So just imagine the size of our Wednesday night services that are open to the whole campus! Also, most of us have to raise money for our mission trips. Do you guys have any idea how much I desire to walk up to this organization and pay for a freshman to get to experience God's presence in Jamaica? I WILL do that before I graduate. Mark my words. I can only imagine the causes He will lay on my heart as I age.
I am so blessed that I have been led to a career where I can serve people in every aspect of my job. I know that the opportunities that have been laid out before on me will give me the ability to continuously give. It breaks my heart that I can't now! But I know I was placed on this Earth to be intrusted with the task of blessing others. And that's exactly what I intend to do.
On top of everything else, I get to let my personality SHINE! If you haven't caught the drift now, my personality is very bold, very bubbly, and very out there. It is like the path He is taking me down was designed specifically with me in mind! Oh, wait! It was.
With all this in mind, why should I listen to someone else's opinions? Did they have a specific talk with God about MY journey? For most people who may judge me, I HIGHLY doubt it. And if they did, I doubt He gave them insight to where He is taking me before He gave it to me.
The same goes for you. If you are chasing after God's will and following the path He has mapped out for you, why do other's opinions matter? More times than not, those opinions will harm you and lead you astray. They will hinder you from reaching your full potential and fulfilling His will for your life. In fact, I would be willing to bet that most of their judgements are coming from a place of insecurity within their own self.
I don't know about you, but I would rather follow this path and get mocked, judged, and laughed at rather than stray from the path He's put me on because of someone else's insecurity.
The human race fails me every day when He has yet to fail me. I am free in Him!
Who do you think I am going to entrust with my future? Who do you think I am going to allow to lead me in the calling for my life?
I love you guys! Thanks so much for hanging out. Be sure to subscribe to know when more of my posts are uploaded. Join the fun and follow me on Instagram! @ansley.brennan
Xx, Ansley B